IMI Precision Engineering

FRL Configurator Animation.

IMI Precision Engineering is a world leader in motion and fluid control technologies. Creating advantage through a wide range of pneumatic, fluid control products such as actuators, air preparation products and valves.

  • Script
  • Storyboard
  • Illustrations
  • Design
  • 90 second animation
  • Project management
IMI Precision FRL Configurator Animation 03
IMI Precision FRL Configurator Animation 05
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Project details


IMI Precision needed a fast paced animation of the air preparation configurator tool that we had produced for them to promote it at major trader show, detailing its key features and benefits, confirming IMI Precision’s position as the market leader.


We created a storyline for the animation that was short and concise to remain punchy, when combined with colour transitions and fast movements. We produced a narrative that takes a user on a typical configuration journey, to display the tools main attributes. The film now acts as a perfect introductory companion to the tool.


A detailed 90 second animation explaining the features, details and benefits of the air preparation configurator.

IMI Precision FRL Configurator Animation 09

Project details

“We wanted to sell the benefits of a complex configurator in a punchy, attention grabbing way. Igentics successfully adapted concepts from prior work which gave us an ideal solution in record time.”

Andrew Warren, IMI Precision Engineering

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